検索結果 7 件

  1. <AA00245433> Journal of the Statistical Society of London. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 1838)-v. 2, no. 12 (Apr. 1839).
  2. <AA10666143> Quarterly journal of the Statistical Society of London. -- Vol. 2, pt. 4 (July 1839)-v. 15, pt. 4 (Dec. 1852).
  3. <AA10650187> Quarterly journal of Statistical Society. -- Vol. 16, pt. 1 (Mar. 1853)-v. 24, pt. 3 (Sept. 1861).
  4. <AA00706503> Journal of the Statistical Society. -- Vol. 24, pt. 4 (Dec. 1861)-v. 49, pt. 4 (Dec. 1886).
  5. <AA0024485X> Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. -- Vol. 50, pt. 1 (Mar. 1887)-v. 110, pt. 4 (1947).
  6. <AA00244882> Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, General. -- Vol. 111, pt. 1 (1948)-v. 150, pt. 4 (1987).
  7. <AA10692482> Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, Statistics in society. -- Vol. 151, pt. 1 (1988)-.