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著者情報:Open University
16 件中の 1-1012
1書影Your attention, please ( Introduction to psychology ; DS262-04 )亀岡本館 Gemco19--亀岡本館:書庫
2書影Managing work : England 亀岡本館executive producer, David Seligmanジエムコ1980亀岡本館:書庫
3書影The Mechanisation of textile spinning ( Technology and change : 1750-1914 ; 1 )亀岡本館BBC TV, producer, Neil CameronGEMCO1985亀岡本館:書庫
4書影Demand and supply ( GEMCOビデオプログラム[ Introduction to economics ; D210-VC1] )亀岡本館The Open University, BBC TV, written and devised by Rosalind Levacic, Andy Pollard, Pip Surgey, producer, Pip SurgeyGemco1985亀岡本館:書庫
5書影Potsdam v.1 - v.4 ( World politics )亀岡本館BBC TV, Open University, producer, Carol HaslamGEMCO198-亀岡本館:書庫
6書影The rise and fall of Britain's sanctions policy The domestic setting , The international arena ( World politics )亀岡本館BBC TV, Open UniversityGEMCO1982亀岡本館:書庫
7書影Principles of caste ( An Introduction to sociology )亀岡本館BBC TV, Open University, production, Clare FalknerGEMCO198-亀岡本館:書庫
8書影Caste and class 亀岡本館executive producer, David Seligmanジエムコ198-亀岡本館:書庫
9書影Island arc magmatism : Santorini ( Understanding the continents ; VC9 )亀岡本館BBC TV, presented by Richard Thorpe and Steve BlakeGEMCO1991亀岡本館:書庫
10書影Motion : Newton's laws ( Science foundation course ; 3 )亀岡本館Open University, BBC TV, director, John StratfordGEMCO198-亀岡本館:書庫
16 件中の 1-1012