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1書影アナバシス : キュロス王子の反乱・ギリシア兵一万の遠征 亀岡本館クセノポン [著], 松平千秋訳筑摩書房1985亀岡本館:書庫 991||Xe2a
2書影ギリシア史 1 , 2 ( 西洋古典叢書 )亀岡本館クセノポン [著], 根本英世訳京都大学学術出版会1998-1999亀岡本館:閲覧室 231||X2g||1
亀岡本館:閲覧室 231||X2g||2
3書影The trial and death of Socrates ( Everyman's library ; no.457 )亀岡本館translated by John WarringtonDent, Dutton1963亀岡本館:書庫 131.2||P71t
亀岡本館:書庫 131.3||Tr5
4書影Hellenica v. 1 : us - v. 2 : uk ( The Loeb classical library ; 88-89[ Xenophon : in seven volumes ; 1-2] )亀岡本館Xenophon, with an English translation by Carleton L. BrownsonHarvard University Press, W. Heinemann1918-1921亀岡本館:書庫 231.5||X||1
亀岡本館:書庫 231.5||X||2
5書影Anabasis : books I-VII : American , : British ( The Loeb classical library ; 90[ Xenophon : in seven volumes ; 3] )亀岡本館Xenophon, with an English translation by Carleton L. BrownsonHarvard University Press, William Heinemann1922亀岡本館:書庫 231.5||X||3
6書影Memorabilia and oeconomicus ; Symposium and apology : American , : British ( The Loeb classical library ; 168[ Xenophon : in seven volumes ; 4] )亀岡本館Xenophon, with an English translation by E.C. Marchant, O.J. ToddHarvard University Press, William Heinemann1923亀岡本館:書庫 231.5||X||4
7書影Cyropaedia 1 : us - 2 : uk ( The Loeb classical library ; 51-52[ Xenophon : in seven volumes ; 5-6] )亀岡本館Xenophon, with an English translation by Walter MillerW. Heinemann, G.P. Putnam, Macmillan1914亀岡本館:書庫 231.5||X||5
亀岡本館:書庫 231.5||X||6
8書影Scripta minora . Constitution of the Athenians : American , : British ( The Loeb classical library ; 183[ Xenophon : in seven volumes ; 7] )亀岡本館Xenophon, translated by E.C. Marchant, Pseudo-Xenophon, translated by G.W. BowersockHarvard University Press, W. Heinemann1968亀岡本館:書庫 231.5||X||7
9書影Ξενοφωντος Οικονομικος, oder, Xenophon vom Haus-Wesen ( Klassiker der Nationalökonomie )亀岡本館aus der Griechischen in die deutsche Sprache übersetzet von Barthold Henrich Brockes dem jüngern, mit einer Vorrede S.T. Herrn Jo. Alb. FabriciiVerlag Wirtschaft und Finanzen1998亀岡本館:書庫 131.2||X
10書影クセノポン小品集 ( 西洋古典叢書 )亀岡本館クセノポン [著], 松本仁助訳京都大学学術出版会2000亀岡本館:閲覧室 991.4||X2s