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件名:LCSH:Publicwelfare -- GreatBritain
11 件中の 1-1012
1書影Medicine, charity and mutual aid : the consumption of health and welfare in Britain, c.1550-1950 ( Historical urban studies )亀岡本館edited by Anne Borsay and Peter ShapelyAshgate2007亀岡本館:書庫 369.14||Me14
2書影Poor relief or poor deal? : the social fund, safety nets and social security ( Cash & care )亀岡本館edited by Trevor Buck and Roger S. SmithAshgate 亀岡本館:書庫 369.2||P82
3書影Poverty and poor law reform in Britain : from Chadwick to Booth, 1834-1914 ( Seminar studies in history )亀岡本館David EnglanderAddison Wesley Longman1998亀岡本館:書庫 369.1||E61p
4書影Poverty and the workhouse in Victorian Britain 亀岡本館Peter WoodAlan Sutton1991亀岡本館:書庫 369||W86p
5書影Quasi-markets and social policy 亀岡本館edited by Julian Le Grand and Will BartlettMacmillan Press 亀岡本館:書庫 364||Q1
6書影Social assistance in Australia, Finland, Sweden and the United Kingdom ( The battle against exclusion ; [v. 1] )亀岡本館 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development1998亀岡本館:書庫 OECD||B27||1
7書影The state of welfare : the economics of social spending 亀岡本館Maria Evandrou ...[et al.], Howard Glennerster, John Hills [editors]Oxford University Press - 369.1||St2
8書影Understanding the policy process : analysing welfare policy and practice : hardcover , : paperback ( Understanding welfare : social issues, policy and practice )亀岡本館John Hudson and Stuart LowePolicy Press2009亀岡本館:書庫 369.1||H98u
9書影Welfare state and welfare change : hbk , : pbk 亀岡本館Martin Powell and Martin HewittOpen University Press2002亀岡本館:書庫 364||P87w
10書影Welfare-to-work : New Labour and the US experience 亀岡本館Andreas Cebulla, Karl Ashworth, David Greenberg, Robert WalkerAshgate 亀岡本館:書庫 369||W56
11 件中の 1-1012