検索条件入力書誌詳細 > 関連資料一覧:(本学所蔵)
16 件中の 1-1012
1書影Communications outlook = Perspectives des communications 1990 - 1997, v. 2 ( Information, computer, communications policy )亀岡本館 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development1990亀岡本館:書庫 OECD||C85
亀岡本館:書庫 OECD||C85||1
亀岡本館:書庫 OECD||C85||2
2書影Communications policy and information technology : promises, problems, prospects : electronic bk ( Telecommunications policy research conference )その他edited by Lorrie Faith Cranor and Shane GreensteinMIT Press2002オンライン
3書影Communications policy in transition : the Internet and beyond : electronic bk ( Telecommunications policy research conference )その他edited by Benjamin M. Compaine and Shane GreensteinMIT Press2001オンライン
4書影Coordinating the Internet : electronic bk その他edited by Brian Kahin and James H. KellerMIT Press1997オンライン
5書影Digital crossroads : telecommunications law and policy in the internet age : electronic bk その他Jonathan E. Nuechterlein and Philip J. WeiserMIT Press2013オンライン
6書影Governing global electronic networks : international perspectives on policy and power : electronic bk ( The information revolution and global politics )その他edited by William J. Drake and Ernest J. Wilson IIIMIT Press2008オンライン
7書影International telecommunication tariffs : charging practices and procedures ( Information, computer, communications policy ; 34 )亀岡本館 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development1994亀岡本館:書庫 OECD||I57
8書影The Internet upheaval : raising questions, seeking answers in communications policy : electronic bk ( Telecommunications policy research conference )その他edited by Ingo Vogelsang and Benjamin M. CompaineMIT Press2000オンライン
9書影Networks and states : the global politics of internet governance : electronic bk ( Information revolution and global politics )その他Milton L. MuellerMIT Press2010オンライン
10書影Regulating the cloud : policy for computing infrastructure : electronic bk ( Information policy )その他edited by Christopher S. Yoo and Jean-François BlanchetteMIT Press2015オンライン
16 件中の 1-1012